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Extreme heat in April

AllHome’s quarterly sales down 8.25 per cent

Extreme heat has been a problem for people in the Philippines - pictured here is the capital Manila: 58 degrees Celsius were measured in April.(Source: Pexels)
Extreme heat has been a problem for people in the Philippines - pictured here is the capital Manila: 58 degrees Celsius were measured in April.
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Philippine home improvement retailer AllHome Corp. again struggled in the second quarter of the year as sales continued to decline. The company reported sales of 2.86 bn Philippine pesos (PHP, EUR 45.5 mio) in April to June 2024, down 8.25 per cent from the same quarter the previous year. Cumulatively, AllHome saw a 6.9 per cent fall in its first half revenue to PHP 5.62 bn.

AllHome, a unit of the Villar Group of Companies, has been struggling with slowing sales over the past two years due to weak demand for hard categories. In a statement accompanying the retailer’s financial report, company president and chief executive officer Benjamarie Therese Serrano noted that earnings were coming from “core categories”, namely, furniture and appliances.

Chief operating officer Frances Rosalie Coloma, for her part, detailed in the statement that cooling appliances propped up the company during the…

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