Ikea wants to help shape the future of AI

The alliance includes companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Google as well as non-profit organisations.(Source: Ingka Group/PAI)
The alliance includes companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Google as well as non-profit organisations.

The Ingka Group, the parent company of Ikea, is becoming a partner of the Partnership on AI (PAI) organisation. The alliance of companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Google and non-profit organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch aims to shape the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that benefits people, communities and the environment.

Through the partnership, Ikea wants to contribute to the global conversation on the ethical use of AI and ensure that the development of AI is in line with human values and the needs of society. The retailer says it has already embarked on this journey, for example by introducing a set of rules for digital ethics across the organisation, focusing on responsible automation that puts people at the centre, and launching an AI and data literacy initiative to train its employees.

‘Our involvement in this partnership reflects our belief that AI has the potential to create a better everyday life for many people while addressing some of the most pressing societal challenges of our time, from climate change to resource management,’ explains Parag Parekh, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of Ikea Retail. ‘We want to use AI to reduce emissions, minimise waste and promote a circular business model,’ adds Chief Data & Analytics Officer Francesco Marzoni.

Together with experts from various fields, the company wants to work on developing practical guidelines and solutions for the responsible use of AI.

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