"Most important sourcing platform outside Asia"

Asia-Pacific Sourcing with more exhibitors and visitors

Asia-Pacific Sourcing took place for three days in Halls 7 and 8 of Koelnmesse.(Source: Koelnmesse)
Asia-Pacific Sourcing took place for three days in Halls 7 and 8 of Koelnmesse.

Asia-Pacific Sourcing in Cologne, which ended yesterday, recorded strong exhibitor growth: More than 800 companies from 16 countries presented numerous innovations in Asian tools and products from the home, garden and leisure sector on 32,000 square metres of exhibition space. Despite various warning strikes in local and air transport, more than 5,500 trade visitors from 75 countries came to Cologne. Compared to the previous event, the trade fair achieved a 22 per cent increase in visitor numbers. For the first time, it took place in Halls 7 and 8 of the Cologne exhibition centre.

"With this year's edition, Asia-Pacific Sourcing has once again underpinned its position as the most important sourcing platform outside Asia," says Oliver Frese, Managing Director and COO of Koelnmesse. "The consistently positive feedback we have received from all sides not only confirms the high quality of the trade fair's offerings and visitors, but also its special significance for the industry. Like no other event, the APS manages to bring together the growth markets of Asia with the increasing demand from Europe and overseas in one place in a compact and targeted manner."

The trade fair once again presented a wide range of new products and trends from the hardware sector. In the tools and accessories segment, the spectrum ranged from fastening and fixing technology, industrial supplies, factory equipment, locks and fittings to DIY and construction supplies. The range was complemented by selected products from the garden sector.

A special highlight was once again the "Best of China" presentation platform, which took place for the fourth time as part of the trade fair. A total of 54 Chinese companies showcased their latest developments in the special area in Hall 7. The aim of this exclusive platform is to showcase the high quality of these Chinese suppliers and offer buyers targeted guidance in selecting the best products. The products on show included hand and power tools, pneumatic and automotive tools, gardening equipment, household goods, lighting and building and furniture fittings. In addition to proven bestsellers, the companies also presented a wide range of innovative products and climate-friendly solutions from intelligent production.

Synergies with IAW

The International Trade Fair for Promotional Products and Imports (IAW), which took place in parallel in Halls 6 and 9, provided additional impetus. As in previous years, the parallel organisation of the two trade fairs created positive synergy effects, according to Koelnmesse. Whilst trade visitors benefited from the expanded range of promotional goods, trend and seasonal articles, exhibitors were delighted with the additional visitor numbers.

The next edition of Asia-Pacific Sourcing will take place from 9 to 11 March 2027 and will serve additional segments.

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