Rebel of Styles

Trendy stone walls

Rebel of Styles, EPS wall panels

To cover walls with stone-look panels is trendy, but when it comes to finding an easy to use, lightweight, 100 per cent believable and at the same time affordable solution, it seems hard to find. UltraLight by Rebel of Styles is the result of an amazing engineering performance. UltraLight are stunning light airpop (EPS) wall panels weighing under 0,6 kg/m². These EPS wall panels like the Benevento model are designed for creating easy, out of the box, trendy stone walls. The EPS wall panels are available in two basic colours: anthracite and white. The product is classified as a Healthy Home Product l Non Toxic VOC Free, Class: A+. It is partly made from recycled content, 100 per cent recyclable, environment-neutral and free of CFC.
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