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Garden experience just outside Paris

Just outside Paris, immediately adjacent to Disneyland, the French company Delbard has opened a new themed garden centre with 7 000 m2 of gardens in the up-market Val d’Europe shopping centre

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Like all the Delbard garden centres, the Val d’Europe outlet with a total retail area of 5 595 m2 stocks a full range of goods with the emphasis on live plants. However, particular attention is here devoted to the outdoor segment, which covers an area of 1800 m2. High-quality wood shelving and the boutique character of the various departments are established features of the themed concept implemented by Delbard. In addition to garden equipment, lawn care products and seeds, exclusive garden furniture, handicraft accessories and floristry articles, the garden centres also stock health and well-being products, high-class goods for the home and regional products such as jams and honey. A lot of space is given over to seasonal themed islands, and from late autumn onwards visitors to Delbard were able to enjoy a large, lavish Christmas market with a wide selection of merchandise. Like a leitmotif running through all the garden centres are separate areas stocking certain products for young gardeners and rest areas where customers can take in the opulence and splendour of the plant displays at their leisure.
The outer façade of the garden centre is modelled architecturally and stylistically on the design of the neighbouring shopping mall.
Another permanent feature of nearly all Delbard garden centres is the pet department, which has live animals for sale. At the Val d’Europe store, the pet department covers 800 m2. The centre of attention is a 20-metre aquatics department offering a large selection of freshwater and marine fish. Rodents are also to be found in the pet segment.
The attractively presented product range, which with the exception of regional specialities is identical in all Delbard garden centres, is complemented at Val d’Europe by the impressive architecture that matches the style of the adjacent specialist shopping mall. Directly at the entrance to the store is a large glass polygon crowned with a cupola, and visitors are greeted there by a range of houseplants of all sizes. Another attraction awaiting shoppers is the 7000 m2 show garden “Le Jardin-Verger de Val d’Europe“, which is under construction next to the garden centre. This will take visitors on a journey through the various ages of mankind and, like other Delbard gardens, is to fulfil an educational as well as a leisure function. Plans are also in hand to organize educational seminars on gardening topics in a separate greenhouse on the site.
Looks stunning: the entrance hall to the garden…
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