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Measuring and cutting

The cutting and measuring tools produced by KDS are of elementary importance for building and DIY purposes

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The origins of the Japanese company KDS, which has its headquarters in Kyoto, go right back to the year 1937. The marketing of steel measuring tapes began three years after it was established. The year 1951 saw the development of “Art White”, a white paint which made it easier to read scale markings. In 1962 came the registration of KDS as a trademark.
The company went into the production and marketing of utility cutters in the year 1976. Electronic measuring instruments have been part of the range since 1982, and the “Digi-Pole” digital measuring device has been part of the programme since 1985. KDS started up production of cutter knife blades in 2001, the same year that saw the completion of the measuring tape series, which now offers graduations printed on both sides. Then in the year 2002 came the market launch of a line of particularly sharp blades that are black in colour.
KDS offers merchandisers in widths of 60 or 90 cm for DIY store displays.
Akira Kaibara, president and ceo, sums up his com-pany’s high aspirations and efforts where quality and customer service are concerned in the following words: “As leading manufacturers of measuring tapes and cutting tools, we have worked hard ever since our company was founded to win the confidence of our customers.” Management also puts great emphasis on the area of research and development, and on giving consideration to environmental issues as well. Furthermore, as Akira Kaibara explains, “Our most recent developments include measuring tapes printed on two sides and, on the cutter side, sharp black blades that produce an excellent cutting edge.”
Employers at KDS number 200 and generate sales of around JPY 3 400 mio (d 25.4 mio). The company is represented overseas by its own sales agencies in Düsseldorf (Germany), Chicago (USA) and Singapore. There are also cooperative agreements with international manufacturers, which include Stabila in Germany, and both American Tool and Sunshine Makers in the USA.
Customers can have their own company logo printed on measuring tapes and cutters.
The range of products offers a broad choice of cutting tools and measuring tapes alike. Just under 20 models are available where cutting tools are concerned and, in the case of measuring tapes, there are 24 different models in the pocket size category alone. Extra long tapes measuring up to 100 m are also available.
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