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Increased internationalism

Spurred on by appreciable increases in the number of foreign visitors at this year’s Glee, the organisers have announced the biggest marketing budget in the fair’s history for the coming year

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Since Gafa will be held in Cologne only every two years in the future, TPS figures that it has a good chance in the medium term to further sharpen the profile of Glee as the international meeting place for the garden and pet industries. This year already saw an 8.7 per cent increase in the number of international visitors to achieve a total of 2 530. By contrast, 5.64 per cent fewer national visitors went to Birmingham for the garden and pet trade fair than last year. The consequence of this was that the overall attendance figure of 24 761 was 4.35 per cent lower than the previous year’s result. TPS gave as the reason underlying this discrepancy that visitors who had not pre-registered had to pay an entrance charge for the first time this year, which presumably put a great many members of the public off attending. Their total was 60 per cent down on last year’s figure, which, on the other hand, had a positive effect on the quality of the visitors as a whole. Another reason why fewer national visitors attended the fair might well have been the capriciousness of the gardening season, which suffered from the endless tricks played on it by the weather in the spring and summer – though not only in Britain.
The number of international visitors was up by nine per cent.
In spite of all this, the exhibitors appeared satisfied with the way Glee went. The UK garden manufacturers’ association, Gardenex, which works closely together with TPS in organising the fair, also displayed optimism in its final statement, where it expresses satisfaction with the appreciable increase in international trade visitors. The International Buyers’ Centre, which Gardenex puts at the disposal of foreign companies intending to invest in the UK for the entire period of the fair, was well frequented during all three days of the event.
Although no exact figures are available yet, the successful development of Glee Petindex must have contributed significantly to the success of Glee, as was the case last year already. Hall 4, where the pet trade fair is held, was a hive of activity throughout the course of the show.
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