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Euro-System's “Platten-Platte” system allows for the separation of slab coverings from their substructure. Now, having proved its worth in commercial
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The conviction at the German company Euro-System, which is based in Karlsruhe, is that the slab covering on balconies, patios and flat roofs should be separated from the substructure and the adjacent structural components during laying. To achieve this the company is offering slab or stilt supports, so-called PP (Platten-Platte) systems. These products allow for the creation of a cavity between structure and substructure. Which means that the joints remain open and water can be carried away beneath the slab covering. According to the supplier, the subsurface drainage ensures a dry walked- on finish and achieves a self-cleaning effect. What is more, cables or pipes can be laid between the slab covering and the substructure. It is also easy to locate leaks in the roof cladding or the joints with the help of the PP system. Replacing defective slabs or the entire covering is noticeably easier as well, in conjunction with a slab lifting device that is also included in the programme.
The products are manufactured from polyethylene, which is compatible with all types of building materials. Euro-System offers slab supports either 15 mm or 45 mm in height, along with a compensation slab that is
3 mm thick. The compensation plates can be broken into halves or quarters. The height-adjustable version (50 mm to 75 mm) allows the user to adjust the structure precisely down to the last millimetre. All the slab supports can be stacked up as necessary in order to compensate for height differences of up to 300 mm. The slab supports are laid at the intersection of the joints, the studs on the upper surface functioning as spacers that are designed to ensure a uniform joint pattern. Predetermined breaking points simplify installation at edges or in corners. The system has so far been sold predominantly through builders' merchants for use in building projects.
There are several different versions of the PP System (Platten-Platte-System).
Now this product is to be sold in DIY stores as well, for Euro-System claims that it is easy to install and effective in use. The areas of application are the same as for commercial building projects, though on a smaller scale: DIYers can easily achieve results, especially on the patio or in the front garden, that are good, reliable and long-lasting.
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