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Baumax supports energy savings

The Austrian market leader is lending support to the “Saving energy saves money” initiative

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The subject of conserving energy is more topical than ever as a result of the rising price of oil and the increasing cost of energy. But concern for the environment and ever-diminishing resources were decisive for the initiative, not only the idea of saving money. Under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, and in tandem with the Bank of Austria, Baumax hopes to motivate customers to save energy and provide them with the best possible support in doing so.
Customer survey
The campaign was launched in mid-March 2005 with a survey carried out right across Austria. This was principally aimed at finding out which aspects of the subject of energy conservation are particularly important to customers and in which areas there is the greatest need for information.
Those showing a marked awareness of subjects involving energy and resources include people over 50, college graduates, families and persons in the higher income bracket. Most attention is given to the areas of heating and electricity consumption. Persons currently using solid fuels for their heating requirements are tending towards wood pellets for the future, and those using electricity are increasingly going more for district heating in future.
Other economy measures that will be undertaken in future are in the areas of light sources (29 per cent), household appliances (24 per cent) and water consumption through the use of rainwater (26 per cent). Solar energy is the choice for light sources of the future (21 per cent). Energy-saving projects are predominantly financed by consumers’ own resources (60 per cent), though building society loans (35 per cent), housing subsidies (34 per cent) and loans for the modernisation of old buildings (24 per cent) also have a role to play. Investment is mainly undertaken in the areas of heating and the replacement of windows.
An awareness of such measures is mainly to be found in the 50+ generation and among those in the higher income bracket.
Diversity of offer
The aim of the campaign is first of all to stimulate customers to take seriously the subject of energy conservation through the many and varied possibilities for saving both energy and money. In this context Baumax offers a broad palette of informative material and events. Furthermore, the company’s range has been adapted to suit the initiative and all energy-saving products now come complete with a special logo, making them easy for customers to track down.
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