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What do plants and fashions in clothing have in common? An interview with the marketing manager of Scheurich, a supplier of planters
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What factors apart from the garden market determine the plant container business? What is the role played by clothing fashions, for instance? Axel Schröder: Clothing fashions are important because they establish the trends. Though we do keep a very careful eye on which trend actually makes it. Experience shows that women first have to “get used to” a fashion trend before they make a decision in favour of a planter in this colour. What outside trends can be clearly identified at present? Schröder: Not new but still up-to-date is the “homing” trend, which involves making your home environment as pleasant as possible. Social contacts are mainly kept up in a domestic setting – in contrast to “cocooning”, which is strongly characterized by a withdrawal behind your own four walls. “Lohas” (lifestyle of health and sustainability) is still another theme – a target group that meets the spirit of the age with its leaning towards sustainability, environmental awareness and quality. Are there any particular countries or regions that function as trendsetters? Schröder: The plant market is very strongly influenced by Holland. By contrast, it has been evident for many years now that Dutch tastes clearly differ from German ones when it comes to planters. Since planters are always seen in the living environment, though, the furniture market is also hugely important. Here Italy is regarded as the main generator of fresh impulses. The market for plant containers is considerably inspired by Germany. How do you track down trends? Schröder: We work together with both a German and an international trend agency, which also provides advice to the Flower Council of Holland, as well as DIY stores and garden centres. Moreover, we visit international fairs and look closely at a variety of trend newsletters. What is more, we keep in close contact with major producers in the green sector and with the press as well. How long in advance can trends actually be spotted? What is the trendy colour for 2011? And can you tell the same for 2012 and 2013? Schröder: Trends can be determined very early on. For us it is not so important to catch every trend: we look for specific developments that are broader in tendency and not just briefly in the spotlight. Our development process is geared very closely to the launch, which we can also implement very rapidly thanks to our own design and model department. In addition we back up our insights with market tests. Quick feedback from sales has a direct…
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