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Plans for glittering anniversary celebration

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March 2013 will see the Ferro­forma-Bricoforma trade fair being held for the 20th time in Bilbao, Spain. This is the reason behind the fair organisers’ plans to stage a ceremony in honour of long-standing exhibitors at the event. “This is an important anniversary for us,” says fair director Arrate Tellaetxe, “and we want to give it the glamour it deserves.” After all, Ferroforma has been in existence for 40 years already, since it is held every other year. The independent Bricoforma segment was added in 2004. As Ms Tellaetxe recounts, the fair company is working on various innovative ideas for the 2013 event. One of these is a campaign that is being targeted at the large-volume food retailers. Moreover, some new formats have been announced for the supplementary programme at the anniversary event. There is to be an innovation and design award, for example, as well as industry events on economic topics such as the promotion of exports and presentations about target markets. The fair boss describes internationalisation as a challenge for the future. The fair is actively involved in international marketing: it has a team that visits specific countries like Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom to promote exhibitor and visitor advertising. Download: 
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