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Germany’s Sagaflor group: expansion into Russia The German Sagaflor specialist retail cooperative and its distribution channel “… da blüh’ ich auf!” now have their first partnership operation in Russia. The 2 400 m² garden centre was opened in Stavropol in the North Caucasus. It is called Planeta Leta, which means Planet Summer. Proprietor Pawel Ma­linsky already has a wholesale plant and horticultural supplies business, and operates a tree nursery as well. The Sagaflor system’s central office has been accompanying the project since it started in 2007. A second and larger outlet is already being planned in Krasnodor, around 350 km to the west of Stavropol. The new garden centre is not the only distribution project Sagaflor is involved in. The German garden trade specialists have been accompanying the garden centre opened by the Russian Garden Retail Service company in June 2011 as well. Plus figures for Dehner in first six months In the first six months of 2012 sales of the German Dehner Group rose by 3.8 per cent on the same period last year. The company reports that the garden centre division contributed substantially to this development. It is in the plant category above all that the company’s garden centres are recording a significant rise in demand. Dehner is also involved in the agricultural store business, among its other activities. Download: 
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