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Back to October again Eurobrico is being moved to October once again. The DIY trade fair is being staged for the seventh time in Valencia, Spain, from 3 to 5 October 2012. It is only two years since it was moved to November from what had been its habitual date in October, but that led to clashes with the dates of some fairs in Asia. Now the fair is to be held - again as it was previously - in parallel to Iberflora once more. The organisers of this garden trade fair, which will be staged for the 41st time in 2012, are aiming to extend the product offer in the area of amateur gardening. From Dubai to Istanbul In 2012 Domotex Middle East, which has been staged in Dubai for six years, is now to be held in Istanbul from 8 to 11 November. According to information from Martin Folkerts, Director Global Fairs at Deutsche Messe AG, around 210 mio m² of carpeting and floor coverings will be laid in Turkey in the coming year alone. What is more, the country numbers among the world's top five suppliers of handmade and machine-made carpets, as well as textile floor coverings. Insights into the German DIY market Three interesting DIY retail outlets were targeted by the DIY Store Tour, which was organised within the framework of the Cologne International Hardware Fair by publishers Dähne Verlag in cooperation with Koelnmesse. It took place on the Tuesday of the fair, 6 March, when a group of 28 participants from nine countries were able to gain first-hand information about the DIY retail scene in Germany. They visited stores run by Toom, Obi, and Knauber. During these visits participants had the opportunity for detailed discussions with store managers and company executives, which provided them with insights into the structure of DIY retailing in Germany. In November now A new date has been set for the staging of this year's DIY & Home Improvement Suppliers Expo in Istanbul. Media Force, the organising company, has now scheduled the Turkish trade fair for 22 to 25 November 2012. Snow vs. fair As described by fair organisers Brintex, the mood at the Totally DIY/Secure/Tools trade event, which took place from 5 to 7 February 2012, was "philosophical but upbeat". The fair suffered greatly from the cold weather and snow. Slightly more than 3 000 visitors came to Birmingham altogether. Interior decoration in Guangzhou Some 2 400 exhibitors from China and more than ten other countries are expected at the 14th China International Building Decoration Fair (CBD) 2012 in…
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