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Unexpected topicality

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Topicality is not something that can be planned, otherwise it just wouldn’t be topical. Nevertheless, when the editorial team is working out the key themes for DIY International it does its best to incorporate information that will still be relevant when the issue actually appears. For instance, in this number there is a detailed country report on Italy, admittedly because of an upcom­ing event: Italy is the host country for the 2nd Global DIY Summit, due to be held in Rome, the Italian capital, on 6 and 7 June 2013. But since this issue was mapped out last summer it has gained a totally unexpected and not necessarily hoped-for topicality: right in the middle of the editorial phase during February and March came early elections for both chambers of the Italian parliament. What might have been a welcome coincidence actually gave us much cause for thought and had disquieting consequences. At a stroke the facts we had received from our Italian col- l­eagues became more than just dusty theory. The restraint caused by the uncertain political situation, which has now reached not only consumers but businesses as well, was evident from the figures: 2012 was the first year that saw the Italian DIY retailers record sales down on the previous year’s. We ourselves have also had a direct taste of this restraint. Numerous requests for information in support of our coverage and approaches for advertising purposes have remained un­answered. As we were told again and again during those discussions that we did manage to have, every­one feels that the whole country is being blocked by politics. Both consumers and decision-makers alike are biding their time. People in this boot-shaped country are being extremely cautious at the moment. The case of Italy shows just how much the economy is depend­ent on the prevailing political conditions. It also shows how important it is for an industry to remain politically on the ball, to be perceived as an interlocutor in the political sphere. In this respect the activities of EDRA are more to be welcomed than ever, particularly on a European level. But back to the subject of “hoped-for topicality”. Of course we had realised for quite some time that this would be the 150th issue of your specialist magazine DIY International and so were able to plan it well in advance. As a result you will find in this number, alongside the many topical reports, our ranking of the Top 150 in the global DIY trade, together with headlines from the entire 150…
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