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Worldwide increase

The Fediyma World DIY Report 2013 puts a figure of € 410 bn on the total volume of the market. North America and Europe retain their dominance
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The global DIY and home improvement market reached a volume of € 410 bn in 2012. This figure comes from the Fediyma World DIY Report 2013. It reveals a 4.5 per cent increase when compared with the previous year’s survey.
The most important region in terms of sales is North America. There sales in the DIY market came to € 246 bn (US $ 306 bn), or 60 per cent of the total global market. Europe accounts for € 135.2 bn, or a 33.1 per cent share of the total. Asia and the Pacific region represent € 18.3 bn or 4.5 per cent of the global market; the most important individual markets here are Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
Still completely under-represented from the point of view of the DIY retail industry are Central and South America, plus the Africa/Middle East region. Each of these regions accounts for a share of just 1.1 per cent of the worldwide DIY trading volume.
However, using a regional approach may at times obscure the observer’s view of the fact that certain individual countries can already point to a DIY market of some considerable size. For example Chile, with a total of € 2.6 bn, and China, with € 2 bn, number among the top 20 DIY nations, while South Africa (€ 1.5 bn) and Brazil (€ 1.4 bn) are on the list of the top 25.
Certainly these figures, which are as such positive, are in some cases indebted to the sheer weight of population in the countries concerned. This is made clear by a comparison of sales rankings with per-capita expenditure: whereas every US citizen spends € 724 per year on DIY products on a statistical average, the average figure for each Chinese citizen is just € 1.5.
The European DIY retailers are particularly heavily involved in their respective foreign markets. Heading the field here are the German DIY entrepreneurs, who had 845 stores in operation in 29 countries in 2012. Their eyes are directed towards eastern Europe and Scandinavia above all. The French companies had 656 DIY stores in 24 foreign markets, including countries in South America and North Africa. Last year British DIY retailers had 392 home improvement stores in seven countries.
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