With a GDP per capita of more than EUR 63 000, Iceland is ranked under the top 5 richest countries in Europe. Belonging to the island nation close to the northern Arctic Circle between Norway and Greenland is the largest volcanic island in the world. One of the volcanoes, Eyjafjallajökull, achieved international fame in 2010 when it severely hindered air traffic in northern and central Europe with its ashes.
This island, with its many hot springs, is the most sparsely populated country in Europe. More than half of the around 350 000 inhabitants live in the capital of Reykjavik.
Although at least they have 43 home improvement stores with almost 100 000 m² of retail space available to them. The fact that there are only around 3 600 Icelanders to one store makes the country one of the best supplied ever in this respect too, at least statistically.
Dachser takes over Finnish joint venture
As of 15 January, Dachser has taken over all shares in its Finnish joint venture Dachser Finland Oy. The logistics provider had founded the…
The only large-scale DIY store in the country is operated by Bauhaus. The German chain arrived on the island in 2012 and has a 21 000 m² store there. The Icelandic company Byko achieves a retail space of around 50 000 m² with its six locations. From Denmark, incidentally to which the island belonged until 1944, the paint manufacturer Flügger is active in the country with its specialist paint stores. The native company Husasmidjan currently operates 30 small-scale locations which offer both typical DIY products such as hardware, tools, plumbing or floor coverings as well as further product ranges such as household appliances and bicycles. Apart from Bauhaus, all DIY traders are active in e-commerce.