The French DIY market in figures


DIY articles record a real increase of 1.2 per cent. The market share claimed by the DIY superstores has increased still further

The overall market for DIY articles in France grew last year by 1.2 per cent in real terms (nominally 3.4 per cent) to a net turnover of € 16.24 bn. According to information from the industrial association Unibal, this total includes garden sales to the tune of € 1.42 bn made by the DIY stores. The DIY stores increased their sales by 5.6 per cent to a total of € 10.32 bn. This means that their market share has increased to 63.6 per cent. Following in second place is wholesale trading with end consumers. The DIY departments operated by supermarkets occupy third place. The smallest market share goes to traditional specialist dealers.
Channels of distribution in the French DIY market 2001
Real change in turnover on 2000
DIY superstores
5.6 %
DIY departments in supermarkets
-2.1 %
Wholesale trade
2.6 %
Traditional retailers
-6.6 %
3.4 %
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