New concept in 500th store


In the Pyrenees Bricomarché offers a demonstration of how retailers should respond to the needs of women customers as well as men

The opening of the 500th store in the town of Orthez in the Pyrenees allowed Bricomarché to introduce a new store layout. The concept, here occupying an area of 2 300 m², but also possible on as little as 1 500 m², is based on a division into two zones: one part is designed to appeal particularly to women customers, who are looking for decorating ideas, for example, and the other is geared to the traditional DIYer  who asks for a semi-professional range of products. The cooperative organisation, which currently has 413 members, last year achieved sales of € 1.6 bn under the group’s name. In operation at the end of June are 480 stores in France, 14 in Poland and twelve in Portugal.
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