Big plans for Mexico


Home Depot has opened its first new-build store in Mexico. There are plans to add 80 more within the space of five years

Home Depot opened its first DIY superstore for Mexico on 7 August, a purpose-built outlet in Mexicali with a retail area of about 7 200 m². Further new openings are to follow in the fourth quarter in Tijuana, Culiacan and San Luis Potosi. Which means Home Depot will be operating eleven DIY stores in Mexico at the end of the year. The company says that more new outlets are already being planned for the coming year. El Economista reports that Home Depot intends to invest US $ 960 mio altogether in expanding the Mexican network of branches over the next five years, in the course of which it will start up 80 stores. The group’s market entry took place in 2001 with the acquisition of Total Home (four stores). That was followed this spring by the acquisition by Home Depot of Del Norte, another Mexican DIY group with four outlets as well.
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