International expansion for Praktiker


Today sees the opening of the group’s seventh store in Turkey, and due at the end of September is a first location in Rumania. Further market entries are planned for the years to come

Today Praktiker is opening its seventh store in Turkey. The outlet forms part of a specialist store centre run by Metro, the company’s parent group, in the north of Konya, which is a city of two million. The retail area amounts to 5 410 m². Still another opening abroad is on the programme for the end of September, when the first Praktiker in Rumania will be inaugurated at a site to the north-east of Bucharest. This has a retail area of 5 830 m². In the next few years the company is planning to enter the market of one or two new countries each year. The proportion of sales attributable to its international stores is expected to rise from the current level of 20.3 per cent to 25 per cent.
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