Steadily growing DIY market in Slovenia


The market will reach saturation point within five years if the DIY retail groups carry out their plans in Slovenia

The development of the DIY market in Slovenia does not often exactly excite much interest among many companys within the industry. Relatively small and situated south of the Alps, not a few central and northern Europeans find it difficult, even twelve years after the opening up of east and south-east Europe, to describe the geographical position of Slovenia with any accuracy.
DIY stores in Slovenia - map
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The high rate of home ownership means that starter furnishing and renovation projects, as well as work in the garden, are to the fore. But the Slovenes are more into “soft” DIY, or willing to risk only relatively simple jobs. In many cases they make use of the help of small tradesmen.
The prices for many products is on a level with or even above that found in other European states, as the result of higher transport costs for imported goods and a higher value-added tax.
The big DIY retailers’ plans for expansion in the Slovenian market are definite and will ensure market saturation in this country south of the Alps within the space of five years.
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