Positive development continues

The European parquet industry in 2006

According to the recent annual survey conducted by the European Federation of the Parquet Industry (FEP), parquet continues to be a popular flooring product in Europe. Both production and consumption experienced an increase in comparison with 2005. Slight variations are still possible since some of the data are “provisional”. The total production in FEP territory grew by 2.02 per cent, peaking at a record volume of 98 mio m². This time the production surge in Germany and Poland was decisive for the encouraging result, with a positive trend in the Netherlands and Romania as well. The full impact of new capacities installed in certain countries, and the outsourcing of the production processes in some cases, are now becoming clearly visible in the figures as well. Table 1: Parquet production in the FEP member countries (pdf file) Table 3: Production/consumption trends (pdf file) There are other optimistic signs as well. Though lamparquet is further losing ground (currently at 2 per cent), solid and mosaic show a growth tendency with a market share of 16 per cent and 3 per cent respectively. In spite of a slight relapse, multilayer remains the absolute market leader with a 79 per cent share. Graphic 4: Total parquet production per type (pdf file) As regards absolute production figures, Sweden is still the leader at 17.62 per cent, now followed by Poland at 13.28 per cent, just edging out Germany with 13.18 per cent. These three leaders are followed by the Nordic cluster, and Spain, Austria and France. Sweden is also the major pro capita producer with 1.89 m²/inhabitant, with Austria in second place at 1.07 m²/inhabitant. Total pro capita production has again slightly increased to 0.25 m². Graphic 5: Total FEP production percentages (pdf file) Most noteworthy is the surge in consumption, which has clearly exceeded the 100 mio m² mark and attained a new record figure of close to 108 mio m² in the FEP member countries. If the non-FEP member states are also taken into account, one can assume that the total parquet flooring market in the EU and EFTA together currently exceeds 115 mio m². Graphic 6: Production and consumption (pdf file) As in previous years, Germany remains the most important European parquet market with an overall share of 19 per cent. Spain and Italy rank second and third, ahead of France. With a pro capita consumption of 0.89 m², Austria is strengthening its position as leader in this area, ahead of Sweden with 0.70 m², then Switzerland with 0.67 m², just edging out the Nordic countries at 0.65 m². The overall per capita consumption in FEP territory has risen to 0.27 m². Graphic 7: Total FEP consumption percentages (pdf file) The graph below gives an indication of the usage rates of various wood species for the production of parquet products. 
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