International orientation

Markant AG establishes further national companies in Poland and Hungary

Markant AG of Pfäffikon, Switzerland, has established national companies in Poland and Hungary, in addition to acquiring a majority holding in Markant Austria and the Swiss Markant Syntrade AG. A new company, Markant Germany, is being set up with effect from 1 January 2011 for the business of product procurement in Germany. The German subsidiary that is currently responsible for this task will in future act solely within the service sphere as the company providing services for all the national companies in Europe. Markant is represented in eight European countries – in Denmark, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in addition to those already mentioned. Markant AG’s invoiced turnover in 2009 came to € 29.0 bn and is expected to increase to € 31.5 bn this year. Among the companies belonging to the DIY section of this trading and service cooperation are Baywa, Hellweg and Globus.
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