The background is a strong sales growth in the DIY chain. In the past year the chain increased its sales by 22 per cent to HUF 47.8 bn (EUR 148 mio). This was announced by managing director Karl-Heinz Keth at a press conference in June. He then also expressed the expectation of achieving an increase in sales of 10 per cent in 2018. Keth, who still worked at the German Praktiker group, has a quarter share of Praktiker Hungary. In 2016 the Wallis Group took over the majority.
Up 22 per cent in 2017
Following a jump in sales, Praktiker Hungary modernises its stores

The background is a strong sales growth in the DIY chain. In the past year the chain increased its sales by 22 per cent to HUF 47.8 bn (EUR 148 mio). This was announced by managing director Karl-Heinz Keth at a press conference in June. He then also expressed the expectation of achieving an increase in sales of 10 per cent in 2018. Keth, who still worked at the German Praktiker group, has a quarter share of Praktiker Hungary. In 2016 the Wallis Group took over the majority.