As in May, the sales of French DIY stores in June were well down on the same month last year. French DIY retailers ended the month with a 7.83 per cent decline in sales compared with June 2020. FMB, the French association of DIY stores which published these figures from the Banque de France, offers two reasons for this trend: the weather and the end of lockdown, opening up alternative purchasing options for consumers. Compared with 2019, however, the market trend confirms the interest of the French in making their homes and gardens more beautiful.
The cumulative sales of the first six months of 2021 continue to register double-digit growth over the previous year. DIY stores have increased their sales by 33.42 per cent compared with the previous half-year, in which lockdowns lasting several weeks had been imposed in France.

Sales development of the French DIY stores by turnover and volume. Source: FMB/Banque de France