The sales trend of the top 5 DIY companies in Europe between 2011 and 2021 is a story of uninterrupted success. The companies included here, Groupe Adeo of France, Kingfisher of the UK and Obi, Bauhaus and Hornbach from Germany, brought a combined total of 59.744 billion euros (net) to the scales at the end of 2021, according to an evaluation by DIY International. Compared with 2011, this means an increase of almost 60 per cent, which occurred, furthermore, without a setback in a single year. In real terms, turnover increased by around 22.3 billion euros.
On average, the net sales of the five companies together grew by 4.8 per cent each year. The year 2021 stands out in particular, with all top 5 companies growing by an average of 10.0 per cent.

The data is based on the 2012 to 2022 editions of the Home Improvement Retail Europe Statistics. These provide current figures, statistics and analyses for the DIY sector in Europe, specifically key figures of DIY operators in 31 countries, covering the number of stores, retail areas, economic framework data and 10-year trend of DIY operators.