The UK’s Kingfisher Group generated sales of around GBP 13.059 bn (EUR 14.954 bn) in fiscal 2022/2023 (ending 31 January 2023), missing the previous year's level by 0.9 per cent. Adjusted for currency variations, the minus is 0.7 per cent; adjusted for currency and like-for-like, it is -2.1 per cent. In its annual report, the company points to the good sales of the previous year as well as to the three-year comparison: compared with 2019, currency- and like-for-like sales increased by 15.6 per cent.
Total e-commerce revenue is down 9.1 per cent compared with the same period last year, but is 146 per cent higher than three years ago. E-commerce now accounts for 16.3 per cent of total revenue (2019/2020 financial year: 7.9 per cent). Kingfisher's target is a 25 per cent online share.
In the UK and Ireland, Kingfisher's sales were GBP 6.200 bn (EUR 7.100 bn), down 4.7 per cent year-on-year. The sales division delivered 1.6 per cent growth, while the B&Q stores lost 8.2 per cent. In a like-for-like three-year comparison, however, B&Q performed better than Screwfix (14.2 per cent) with a plus of 15.8 per cent.
Sales in France fell by 1.0 per cent to GBP 4.452 bn (EUR 5.098 bn). Here Castorama has maintained its sales (+0.3 per cent), while Brico Dépôt has lost 2.4 per cent. In France, too, the three-year comparison is very positive with a like-for-like increase of 13.2 per cent.
Kingfisher reports consistently positive year-on-year growth figures from its other foreign markets. Poland is up 13.7 per cent to GBP 1.734 bn (EUR 1.986 bn), Spain and Portugal up 2.0 per cent to GBP 373 mio (EUR 427 mio), and Romania up 1.8 per cent to GBP 285 mio (EUR 326 mio). Compared with the 2019/2020 financial year, like-for-like sales in these countries are up 21.5 per cent.