When statisticians at the Dähne Verlag publishing house examine the distribution of DIY stores in a country, they take a look at the inhabitants per store ratios. Usually, there is a densely populated capital region which does not depict the country average: here, there are many more inhabitants to a DIY store than in the rest of the country.
In this respect, the United Kingdom forms an egalitarian exception: on the one hand, England clearly dominates with its Greater London area compared to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the parameters of population, area and GDP are concerned, however the number of DIY stores recorded by the German publishing house, keeps up with these values compared to the other countries.
Kingfisher falls short of previous year's sales in 2024/2025
The British DIY group Kingfisher fell short of the previous year's sales in the 2024/2025 financial year (ending 31 …
Specifically: the almost 1 500 DIY stores that there are in England, correspond to approximately 85 per cent of all DIY stores in the UK. And precisely around this 85 per cent is where the other proportionate values are also gathered: 84.2 per cent of the UK population lives in England, 86.8 per cent of the GDP is generated here.
In total, 1 748 DIY store locations are recorded in the statistics. These also include the discounting formats such as The Range for example. On the other hand, the sales channels Screwfix (Kingfisher) and Toolstation (Travis Perkins) were not be included because a professional focus prevails there.